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In this model, art on the internet adheres to the same rules of authenticity and rarity that it does offline, in which owning an original Van Gogh, for example, is more valuable both artistically- the brushstrokes! the colors!-and financially- the auction bidding wars! the status marking!-than a copy. Institutions can release limited quantities of a good and, with the help of blockchain, certify that said good is authentic.

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First, blockchain has the potential to facilitate the creation of true digital scarcity, as we saw with CryptoKitties and can see in the booming business of cryptocollectible CryptoPuppies, CryptoBunnies, CryptoPunks, CryptoBots, CryptoFighters, CryptoTulips ( irony not lost), and more. Artists and entrepreneurs are still experimenting with using it as a new form of distribution, but, so far, three main trends seem to be emerging. CryptoKitties hint at the ways blockchain, on its face, has the potential to change that.

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