
Creo parametric price
Creo parametric price

Pro/ENGINEER at the time may have cost more but it’s capabilities of parametric (or history based) modeling have always been superior and produced better designed models. This statement was incorrect but the strategy worked, with many would-be Pro/ENGINEER users never experiencing it because they chose SolidWorks instead. When SolidWorks was first introduced to compete with Pro/ENGINEER (now known as Creo), they claimed that SolidWorks was easier to use and could do 80% of what Pro/ENGINEER could for 20% of the price.

creo parametric price

However, that CAD system may not be enough to complete what is necessary and another system is purchased.

creo parametric price

Most often, designers, engineers and other CAD users favor one particular system over another based on familiarity. Most engineering and manufacturing departments use more than one CAD system for various reasons.

Creo parametric price